As The Third Room we consider releasing and curating music as constitutional and therefore indispensable for electronic music. 

Our work as a label will define itself through channeling timeless and profound techno from our dearest friends and colleagues to give something back to our local scene and our home.

T3R015 OFF/GRID - Circular Motions
T3R014 Dold - Metamorphism
T3R013 Arthur Robert - Particle Accelerator
T3R VA Series 04
T3R VA Series 03
T3R VA Series 02
T3R VA Series 01
Ahmet Sisman | The Third Space
Stone Techno Series 2022 | Triclinic
VNNN. | Give Me Some Attention
Stone Techno Series | Tetragonal EP
Stone Techno Series | Orthorhombic EP
Stone Techno Series | Cubic EP
Stone Techno Series | Hexagonal EP
The Third Room | Fundraiser Compilation